Faculty News

Kibabii University and Bukura Agricultural College Sign a Collaborative Agreement
Kibabii University has entered into a partnership with Bukura Agricultural College (BAC) following the signing of a Collaborative Agreement on Tuesday, 11th March, 2025. The Agreement aims to foster joint

Department Of Biological, Environment and Natural Resources Says “Go On” To Young Researchers
Friday second February 2024 was no ordinary day at the Faculty of science. Fourth year Bachelor of Science students presented a spirited defence for their research project proposals with a

Mathematics Scholar attends “Women in SAGE” Workshop in Uganda
Ms. Yvonne Kariuki, a staff at the Department of Mathematics recently participated in an international workshop dubbed “Women in SAGE” at Makerere University in Uganda. SageMath is a computer algebra

University of Florida’s Prof. Calvin Odero Visits KIBU under the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program
Kibabii University Department of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences played host to Professor Calvin Odero for an academic exchange program. Prof. Odera is an Extension Weed Specialist and Associate Professor of

“Master of Science in Microbiology”; The New Academic Call at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
The Commission of University Education (CUE) recently allowed Kibabii University to offer this programme, having met all the requisite quality and regulatory training requirements. The University Joins few other institutions

Visit by Professor from University of the Western Cape to KIBU Cements Research Collaboration Agreement between the two Universities
A team of scholars from University of the Western Cape (UWC) led by Prof. Maria Euginia D’Amato paid a courtesy call on Kibabii University top leadership on Thursday 13th October.

Mathematics Scholar from Nelson Mandela University – South Africa Visits KIBU
The Department of Mathematics is privileged to host a visiting Scholar Dr. Abraham Prins Love from Nelson Mandela University – South Africa. The mathematics scholar shall supplement career advice to

Joint Computing Sessions at the Faculty of Science
Departments of the Faculty of Science have embraced “team learning” of practical sessions to optimize the scientific computing infrastructure at Department of Mathematics. The Scientific Computing Laboratory at the Department

It’s a Unified and Concerted Spirit at Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics at Faculty of Science on Wednesday 20, 2022 manifested the systematic spirit of Unity in a meeting presided over by Dr. Vincent Marani who is the

KIBU Analytical Chemist Attends a Practicum in Pretoria
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in partnership with Protechnik Laboratories held an Analytical Skills Development Course between 23rd May and 4th June, 2022 in Pretoria, South

Science Research Team Wins “SUN-24” Mini Grant
A team of researchers in the Departments of Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) and Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences has won a Research Grant to Assess Small Scale Biochar Field Trials

“All Systems Go” with New Leadership at Department of Mathematics
Dr. Vincent Marani on Tuesday, 1st March 2022 officially commenced leadership of the Department of Mathematics with much gratitude to the outgoing Chairman; Dr. Boniface Otieno Kwach for work well

Ten Researchers at Kibabii University Revealed in the Latest Ranking

Faculty of Science Unveils the Next Generation of Unit Heads
The Faculty of Science at Kibabii University embodies mentorship as a key value in developing capacities towards sustainability. In this regard, future leadership structures have been established to steer science

Mathematics Alumnus Wins the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship to Study in Hungary
Daniel Kalasa, has won a Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship towards postgraduate study in Applied Mathematics at the University of Debrecen in Hungary. Mr. Kalasa, a former student of Mathematics who graduated

Mathematics Scholar Wins prestigious CEMA fellowship Award
Ms Jacinta Mutwiwa, Tutorial fellow at Department of Mathematics has secured a competitive research fellowship at the Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis for Africa (CEMA). Mutwiwa overcome at least

Application for Admission – July 2021 Intake (New Programmes)
Kibabii University wishes to invite applications for admission to the listed Bachelor, Masters, and Doctor of Philosophy programmes via the Blended (face to face/e-Learning) modes of study as follows: PROGRAMME

Future Agricultural Scientists Sum it All with a “Thank you”
Agricultural scientists examine aspects of living organisms and the relationships of plants and animals to their environment, conduct basic research in laboratories or in the field and apply the results

Renewable Energy Student Wins Innovation Challenge
Kibabii University Innovation Challenge 2020 is an initiative of Kibabii University as part of European Union Funded African Higher Education Leadership in Advancing Inclusive Innovation for Development (AHEAD) Project to

Department of Mathematics Scholar Successfully Defends Doctor of Philosophy Thesis in Applied Mathematics
Mr. Mulambula Andanje is an incoming philosophy doctor in Applied Mathematics. This follows an intensive thesis examination process that evaluated Mr.Andanje with a successful outcome. A humble but composed Mr.

Mathematics Scholar Wins Prestigious Germany Academic Exchange (DAAD) Scholarship
Ms. Yvonne Kariuki, a Tutorial Fellow at the Department of Mathematics has successfully secured a 3 year DAAD scholarship in a competitive process that involved prospective Doctor of Philosophy candidates

Faculty of Science 2019/2020 Financial Year Performance Contact Self Evaluation Exercise
In August 2019 the Ministry of Education and the Inspectorate of State Corporations negotiated and vetted Kibabii University’s performance contract for the financial year 2019/2020. The contract was cascaded and

Chemistry Lab New Equipment in Kibabii University
Kibabii University, Faculty of Science, department of Science, Technology and Engineering has acquired new Chemistry laboratory equipment. These laboratory equipment were installed on 12th March, 2020 in the Chemistry Lab.

Department of Mathematics Establishes Mathematical Computing Laboratory
The Scientific Computing Laboratory of the Department of Mathematics at Kibabii University will bring together undergraduate, postgraduate students and researchers interested in developing fast, reliable, and robust numerical algorithms needed

Faculty of Science Stakeholders Workshop on New Academic Programmes
Faculty of Science (FS) held a successful two days Stakeholders Workshop for the new academic programmes (Diploma, Bachelors, Masters and PhD) on 26th -27th November, 2019 at the Multi-purpose hall.

Kibabii University Celebrate 4th Graduation Ceremony
Kibabii University held its 4th Graduation Ceremony on 22nd November, 2019 at the Graduation Square. The colorful ceremony was presided over by H.E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic

Multidisciplinary Research Team between Kibabii University and Moi University at Clean Cooking Forum 2019 Workshop
The multidisciplinary research team between Kibabii University and Moi University attended the Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership (TEA-LP) workshop themed “Clean Cooking Forum 2019” in Nairobi on 5th to

FS Orientation of 2019/2020 First Year Students
2019/2020 first year students during the Faculty of Science (FS) orientation forum led by Dr. Lucy Chikamai. Students were introduced to faculty lecturers and faculty functions, services and procedures. The

An Improved Program for Generating G-Invariant Codes
A program for generating G-Invariant Codes ( sub modules of a permutation module) was improved through an enhanced algorithm by Mr.Vincent Marani of the department of Mathematics. The innovative findings

Part Time Lecturers & Technicians 2019/2020 Academic Year
Kibabii University in pursuit of its Vision to be a Global and Dynamic University of Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation, wishes to invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for

Multidisciplinary Research Team at the Transforming Energy Access Workshop
Multidisciplinary research team between Kibabii University and Moi University at Strathmore University for the Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership Multidisciplinary Curriculum Development Workshop. A total of 8 African countries

Janet Lilian Maina Defense
Janet Lilian Maina a student of Masters in Pure Mathematics successfully defended her thesis entitled “2-MODULAR REPRESENTATIONS OF UNITARY GROUP U3 (4)” on 06-06-2019 in SGS boardroom

Lydia Kananu Rukaria Defense
Lydia Kananu Rukaria a student of PhD in Pure Mathematics successfully defended her thesis entitled “Linear Codes Obtained from the Sympletic Group S 8 (2)” on 9th May, 2019 in SGS boardroom

Marani Vincent Nyongesa Defense
Marani Vincent Nyongesa a student of PhD in Pure Mathematics successfully defended his thesis entitled “Modular Representation of Mathieu Group M24 as Linear Codes” on 9th May, 2019 in SGS boardroom

A Tribute to Dr. Jared Peter Oloo Odhiambo
We have all gathered here to mourn someone who means many different good things to each person in the gathering. He has answered the call to join those who have

Faculty of Science 1st QMS Internal Quality Audit Based on ISO 9001:2015 Standard
Faculty of Science was audited in the 1st QMS Internal Quality Audit based on ISO 9001:2015 Standard on 26th February, 2019 in the FS Dean’s office. The main objective of the

Kibabii University Celebrate 3rd Graduation Ceremony
Kibabii University held its 3rd Graduation Ceremony on 23rd November, 2018 at the Graduation Square. The colorful ceremony was presided over by Ambassador (Dr.) Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of

FS Graduation List 2018
The following ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO (122) candidates satisfied the Board of Examiners of the Faculty of Science in the Fourth and Final Year University examinations of the 2017/2018

Department of Mathematics Releases “Math Focus Newsletter”
The Department of Mathematics has released it’s first newsletter under a series of projected letters dubbed “Math Focus Newsletters”. These will be quarterly newsletters available to the general public. The

Prof. Siamba Donates an EKOSCAN Machine for Research and Training on Somatic Cell Count
Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ipara Odeo receiving donation of an EKOSCAN Machine for Research and Training on Somatic Cell Count from Prof. Siamba on Wednesday 26th September, 2018. The Somatic Cell Count (SCC)

Showcasing Suspended Hives at the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018
Kibabii University led by DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. participate in the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018 at the Masinde Muliro

Showcasing Silage and Hay Blocking Technology at the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018
Kibabii University led by DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. participate in the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018 at the Masinde Muliro

Showcasing Biogas Plant at the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018
Kibabii University led by DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. participate in the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018 at the Masinde Muliro

Inter-denominational Service for 2018/2019 First Year Students
The Kibabii University Christian Union team led by Dr. Robert Wafula organized an Inter-denominational service for 2018/2019 first year students on 14thSeptember, 2018. Invited guest pastor was Timothy Kituyi; the

Vice Chancellor’s Speech Presented during Orientation of Freshmen 2018
Sailing Or Drifting Through School Salutation Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academics and Students Affairs; Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Finance and Development; Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovations; Deans of

Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2018/2019
The Vice Chancellor Prof. Ipara Odeo gave an address to the 2018/2019 new students at the Graduation Square on 13th September, 2018. Prof. Odeo welcomed students to Kibabii University which

Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2018/2019
Dr. Lucy Chikamai, Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2018/2019 on September 13th, 2018 at the Graduation Square

ICTP Donate Books to Kibabii University
Kibabii University Vice Chancellor,Prof. Ipara Odeo together with Prof. Donald Siamba, Dr. Lucy Chikamai and Mr. Munyole receiving donation of books from the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 FY
Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 Financial Year between Deans and CoDS/Directors/HoDS The event took place on 7th-11th October, 2018 Gallery

Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 Financial Year
Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 Financial Year between Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors, Head of Departments and Chairpersons of committees on 5th September, 2018 in Senate Boardroom

Kibabii University Begins Biometric Registration of Students
The September 2018 intake is the first group to be registered under the Biometric system. The process entails capturing of students’ fingerprint and digital passport photograph. The move is geared

2018/2019 First Year Students Admission
Kibabii University welcomes all 2018/2019 first year students. The new students are undergoing the registration exercise where they are required to verify their academic documents and validate their health records

Webometrics Kibabii University Ranked Position 10 in Kenya July 2018
Kibabii University improves to position 10 from 71 in the webometrics ranking of Kenyan Universities. Globally Kibabii University was ranked at position 6461 from 21916 in the previous ranking that

1st External Quality Audit Based On ISO 9001:2015 Standard
Various Schools and Departments undergoing the 1st External Quality Audit based on ISO 9001:2015 Standard on Thursday 26th July, 2018

Public Lecture by Professor Bernardo Rodrigues
Professor Rodriguez from the University of Kwazulu – Natal, South Africa (Department of Mathematics) delivered a keynote presentation on “A model for detecting corrupt agents in organizations” on Wednesday 4th July, 2018 at the

3rd Kibabii University International Conference Presentations
3rd Kibabii University International Conference Presentations on 13th June 2018

Students Insurance Covers for Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy & Bio-Fuel Technology Class
Students Insurance Covers for Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy & Bio-Fuel Technology Class Please download and print the specific page on which your name and student registration number appears.

Department of Mathematics Students Insurance Covers for SMA/14 Class
Department of Mathematics students Insurance Covers for SMA/14 class. Please download and print the specific page on which your name and student registration number appears. Example: IF your details are

Kibabii University Host Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board
Kibabii University holds a meeting with Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board on the potential stakeholder needs for research in Kenya.

Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation Donates Materials to Kibabii University
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation in Netherlands donates materials (papers, Compact disc, USB sticks, booklets and pens) to Kibabii University. The memory sticks were given to the best

Kibabii University Training on Mobilization and Awareness Creation on the Upcoming EU’s Funding Schemes on Horizon 2020
The Ministry of Education State Department for University Education scheduled for one day training at Kibabii University on mobilization and awareness creation on the upcoming EU’s funding schemes on Horizon

Seminar on Proposal Writing for Postgraduate and Multidisciplinary Research for 2nd National Research Fund Call
DVC (PPRI) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. launched and addressed a seminar on proposal writing for postgraduate and multidisciplinary research for 2nd National Research Fund call. This

2nd Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations to the second graduands of Kibabii University who were conferred Degrees and awarded Diplomas and Certificates during the Graduation Ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by H.E. Hon. Uhuru

Cyprian Omukhwaya Sakwa Defense
Cyprian Omukhwaya Sakwa a student of PhD in Pure Mathematics successfully defended his thesis entitled “On Joint Essential Numerical Range and Joint Essential Maximal Numerical Range of Aluthge Transform”

Simon Mwatulo Lusamamba Defense
Simon Mwatulo Lusamamba a student of Master of Science In Physics successfully defended his thesis entitled “Thermodynamic Properties of a Grand Canonical Ensemble of a Mixture of Helium Isotopes with

FS Graduation List 2017
The following FOURTY SIX (46) candidates satisfied the Board of Examiners of the Faculty of Science in the Fourth and Final Year University examinations of the 2016/2017 academic year. They

Official Handing Over of Phase II Education Block
Millicons Limited officially hands over the newly constructed Phase II Education Block to Kibabii University Management. The project Manager walked them through different sections in the facility including offices, laboratories

The Presentation of 91st Kenya Music Festival Award Winning Trophies and Certificate by Kibabii University Choir to the University Senate
Kibabii University choir team presenting trophies to the University senate. The team scoped four trophies during the 91st Kenya Music Festival held at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology

Site Inspection for Proposed Phase II Educational Block
DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. lead the inspection team for constructed Phase II of Educational Block together with the Technical Project

Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2017/2018
Dr. L. Chikamai Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2017/2018

Faculty of Science 2017/2018 First Year Students during Faculty Orientation
Faculty of Science 2017/2018 First year students during Faculty orientation

Vacancies: Part Time Lecturers for 2017/2018 Academic Year
Kibabii University, in pursuit of its Vision to be a Global and Dynamic University of excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation, wishes to invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for

Department of Mathematics Students Insurance Covers: SMA/13

Faculty Staff Participated in the 2nd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference
Faculty of Science staff participated in the 2nd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference on June 14 -15, 2017

Department of Mathematics Acquires MAGMA Algebra System
Kibabii University becomes the first University in Kenya To make advances in Pure Mathematics by hosting Magma Computational Algebra System in collaboration with the University of Sydney,Australia. MAGMA is a

Faculty of Science Staff Graduate with Doctor of Philosophy Degrees
The Faculty of science was honoured to have three of it’s members graduate with PHDs. In the most recent graduation Ceremonies,Dr.Kefa Osolo Nyende and Dr.Jared Odhiambo Oloo qualified for the

Fish Harvesting
Fish harvesting being done at Kibabii University fish pond after fingerlings stocking that was done on 4th May 2016, the University benefited from Bungoma County Government Fish Pond Liner Initiative

Fingerlings Stocking
Kibabii University benefits from Bungoma County Government Fish Pond Liner Initiative Project. Project launched by VC, DVCs, Dean Faculty of Science Dr. Chikamai and Fisheries Officer (Kanduyi Sub-County) Mr. John

Nursing Degree
Kibabii University (KIBU) is preparing to offer Degrees in Nursing. The University joins University of Nairobi; Moi University; Kenyatta University; Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology; Mt. Kenya University,

Kakamega County Meteorological Station
BSc. Agriculture extension and education students at Kakamega County Meteorological station on October 16, 2015. The students were trained on various aspects of Agro- Climatology.

Harvesting of Red Tomatoes
Harvesting of red tomatoes in greenhouse empowerment project with agribusiness knowledge through greenhouse farming in Kibabii University Community.

Signing MOU
The signing MOU between Kibabii University and Lutukai Learning and Empowering Centre Mbakalo Ward.

Book Donations
The VC receiving books from Dean, Faculty of Science Dr Lucy Chikamai together with Mr. Mulati, The books were donated from Marie Curie Library , The Abdus Salam International Centre

Kibabii University and Bukura Agricultural College Sign a Collaborative Agreement
Kibabii University has entered into a partnership with Bukura Agricultural College (BAC) following the signing of a Collaborative Agreement on Tuesday, 11th March, 2025. The Agreement aims to foster joint

Department Of Biological, Environment and Natural Resources Says “Go On” To Young Researchers
Friday second February 2024 was no ordinary day at the Faculty of science. Fourth year Bachelor of Science students presented a spirited defence for their research project proposals with a

Mathematics Scholar attends “Women in SAGE” Workshop in Uganda
Ms. Yvonne Kariuki, a staff at the Department of Mathematics recently participated in an international workshop dubbed “Women in SAGE” at Makerere University in Uganda. SageMath is a computer algebra

University of Florida’s Prof. Calvin Odero Visits KIBU under the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program
Kibabii University Department of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences played host to Professor Calvin Odero for an academic exchange program. Prof. Odera is an Extension Weed Specialist and Associate Professor of

“Master of Science in Microbiology”; The New Academic Call at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
The Commission of University Education (CUE) recently allowed Kibabii University to offer this programme, having met all the requisite quality and regulatory training requirements. The University Joins few other institutions

Visit by Professor from University of the Western Cape to KIBU Cements Research Collaboration Agreement between the two Universities
A team of scholars from University of the Western Cape (UWC) led by Prof. Maria Euginia D’Amato paid a courtesy call on Kibabii University top leadership on Thursday 13th October.

Mathematics Scholar from Nelson Mandela University – South Africa Visits KIBU
The Department of Mathematics is privileged to host a visiting Scholar Dr. Abraham Prins Love from Nelson Mandela University – South Africa. The mathematics scholar shall supplement career advice to

Joint Computing Sessions at the Faculty of Science
Departments of the Faculty of Science have embraced “team learning” of practical sessions to optimize the scientific computing infrastructure at Department of Mathematics. The Scientific Computing Laboratory at the Department

It’s a Unified and Concerted Spirit at Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics at Faculty of Science on Wednesday 20, 2022 manifested the systematic spirit of Unity in a meeting presided over by Dr. Vincent Marani who is the

KIBU Analytical Chemist Attends a Practicum in Pretoria
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in partnership with Protechnik Laboratories held an Analytical Skills Development Course between 23rd May and 4th June, 2022 in Pretoria, South

Science Research Team Wins “SUN-24” Mini Grant
A team of researchers in the Departments of Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) and Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences has won a Research Grant to Assess Small Scale Biochar Field Trials

“All Systems Go” with New Leadership at Department of Mathematics
Dr. Vincent Marani on Tuesday, 1st March 2022 officially commenced leadership of the Department of Mathematics with much gratitude to the outgoing Chairman; Dr. Boniface Otieno Kwach for work well

Ten Researchers at Kibabii University Revealed in the Latest Ranking

Faculty of Science Unveils the Next Generation of Unit Heads
The Faculty of Science at Kibabii University embodies mentorship as a key value in developing capacities towards sustainability. In this regard, future leadership structures have been established to steer science

Mathematics Alumnus Wins the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship to Study in Hungary
Daniel Kalasa, has won a Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship towards postgraduate study in Applied Mathematics at the University of Debrecen in Hungary. Mr. Kalasa, a former student of Mathematics who graduated

Mathematics Scholar Wins prestigious CEMA fellowship Award
Ms Jacinta Mutwiwa, Tutorial fellow at Department of Mathematics has secured a competitive research fellowship at the Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis for Africa (CEMA). Mutwiwa overcome at least

Application for Admission – July 2021 Intake (New Programmes)
Kibabii University wishes to invite applications for admission to the listed Bachelor, Masters, and Doctor of Philosophy programmes via the Blended (face to face/e-Learning) modes of study as follows: PROGRAMME

Future Agricultural Scientists Sum it All with a “Thank you”
Agricultural scientists examine aspects of living organisms and the relationships of plants and animals to their environment, conduct basic research in laboratories or in the field and apply the results

Renewable Energy Student Wins Innovation Challenge
Kibabii University Innovation Challenge 2020 is an initiative of Kibabii University as part of European Union Funded African Higher Education Leadership in Advancing Inclusive Innovation for Development (AHEAD) Project to

Department of Mathematics Scholar Successfully Defends Doctor of Philosophy Thesis in Applied Mathematics
Mr. Mulambula Andanje is an incoming philosophy doctor in Applied Mathematics. This follows an intensive thesis examination process that evaluated Mr.Andanje with a successful outcome. A humble but composed Mr.

Mathematics Scholar Wins Prestigious Germany Academic Exchange (DAAD) Scholarship
Ms. Yvonne Kariuki, a Tutorial Fellow at the Department of Mathematics has successfully secured a 3 year DAAD scholarship in a competitive process that involved prospective Doctor of Philosophy candidates

Faculty of Science 2019/2020 Financial Year Performance Contact Self Evaluation Exercise
In August 2019 the Ministry of Education and the Inspectorate of State Corporations negotiated and vetted Kibabii University’s performance contract for the financial year 2019/2020. The contract was cascaded and

Chemistry Lab New Equipment in Kibabii University
Kibabii University, Faculty of Science, department of Science, Technology and Engineering has acquired new Chemistry laboratory equipment. These laboratory equipment were installed on 12th March, 2020 in the Chemistry Lab.

Department of Mathematics Establishes Mathematical Computing Laboratory
The Scientific Computing Laboratory of the Department of Mathematics at Kibabii University will bring together undergraduate, postgraduate students and researchers interested in developing fast, reliable, and robust numerical algorithms needed

Faculty of Science Stakeholders Workshop on New Academic Programmes
Faculty of Science (FS) held a successful two days Stakeholders Workshop for the new academic programmes (Diploma, Bachelors, Masters and PhD) on 26th -27th November, 2019 at the Multi-purpose hall.

Kibabii University Celebrate 4th Graduation Ceremony
Kibabii University held its 4th Graduation Ceremony on 22nd November, 2019 at the Graduation Square. The colorful ceremony was presided over by H.E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic

Multidisciplinary Research Team between Kibabii University and Moi University at Clean Cooking Forum 2019 Workshop
The multidisciplinary research team between Kibabii University and Moi University attended the Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership (TEA-LP) workshop themed “Clean Cooking Forum 2019” in Nairobi on 5th to

FS Final Draft Graduation List 2019
Download: FS Final Draft Graduation List 2019

FS First Draft Graduation List 2019
Download: FS First Draft Graduation List 2019

FS Orientation of 2019/2020 First Year Students
2019/2020 first year students during the Faculty of Science (FS) orientation forum led by Dr. Lucy Chikamai. Students were introduced to faculty lecturers and faculty functions, services and procedures. The

An Improved Program for Generating G-Invariant Codes
A program for generating G-Invariant Codes ( sub modules of a permutation module) was improved through an enhanced algorithm by Mr.Vincent Marani of the department of Mathematics. The innovative findings

Part Time Lecturers & Technicians 2019/2020 Academic Year
Kibabii University in pursuit of its Vision to be a Global and Dynamic University of Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation, wishes to invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for

Multidisciplinary Research Team at the Transforming Energy Access Workshop
Multidisciplinary research team between Kibabii University and Moi University at Strathmore University for the Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership Multidisciplinary Curriculum Development Workshop. A total of 8 African countries

Janet Lilian Maina Defense
Janet Lilian Maina a student of Masters in Pure Mathematics successfully defended her thesis entitled “2-MODULAR REPRESENTATIONS OF UNITARY GROUP U3 (4)” on 06-06-2019 in SGS boardroom

Lydia Kananu Rukaria Defense
Lydia Kananu Rukaria a student of PhD in Pure Mathematics successfully defended her thesis entitled “Linear Codes Obtained from the Sympletic Group S 8 (2)” on 9th May, 2019 in SGS boardroom

Marani Vincent Nyongesa Defense
Marani Vincent Nyongesa a student of PhD in Pure Mathematics successfully defended his thesis entitled “Modular Representation of Mathieu Group M24 as Linear Codes” on 9th May, 2019 in SGS boardroom

A Tribute to Dr. Jared Peter Oloo Odhiambo
We have all gathered here to mourn someone who means many different good things to each person in the gathering. He has answered the call to join those who have

Faculty of Science 1st QMS Internal Quality Audit Based on ISO 9001:2015 Standard
Faculty of Science was audited in the 1st QMS Internal Quality Audit based on ISO 9001:2015 Standard on 26th February, 2019 in the FS Dean’s office. The main objective of the

Kibabii University Celebrate 3rd Graduation Ceremony
Kibabii University held its 3rd Graduation Ceremony on 23rd November, 2018 at the Graduation Square. The colorful ceremony was presided over by Ambassador (Dr.) Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of

FS Graduation List 2018
The following ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO (122) candidates satisfied the Board of Examiners of the Faculty of Science in the Fourth and Final Year University examinations of the 2017/2018

Department of Mathematics Releases “Math Focus Newsletter”
The Department of Mathematics has released it’s first newsletter under a series of projected letters dubbed “Math Focus Newsletters”. These will be quarterly newsletters available to the general public. The

Prof. Siamba Donates an EKOSCAN Machine for Research and Training on Somatic Cell Count
Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ipara Odeo receiving donation of an EKOSCAN Machine for Research and Training on Somatic Cell Count from Prof. Siamba on Wednesday 26th September, 2018. The Somatic Cell Count (SCC)

Showcasing Suspended Hives at the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018
Kibabii University led by DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. participate in the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018 at the Masinde Muliro

Showcasing Silage and Hay Blocking Technology at the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018
Kibabii University led by DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. participate in the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018 at the Masinde Muliro

Showcasing Biogas Plant at the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018
Kibabii University led by DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. participate in the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018 at the Masinde Muliro

Inter-denominational Service for 2018/2019 First Year Students
The Kibabii University Christian Union team led by Dr. Robert Wafula organized an Inter-denominational service for 2018/2019 first year students on 14thSeptember, 2018. Invited guest pastor was Timothy Kituyi; the

Vice Chancellor’s Speech Presented during Orientation of Freshmen 2018
Sailing Or Drifting Through School Salutation Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academics and Students Affairs; Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Finance and Development; Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovations; Deans of

Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2018/2019
The Vice Chancellor Prof. Ipara Odeo gave an address to the 2018/2019 new students at the Graduation Square on 13th September, 2018. Prof. Odeo welcomed students to Kibabii University which

Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2018/2019
Dr. Lucy Chikamai, Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2018/2019 on September 13th, 2018 at the Graduation Square

ICTP Donate Books to Kibabii University
Kibabii University Vice Chancellor,Prof. Ipara Odeo together with Prof. Donald Siamba, Dr. Lucy Chikamai and Mr. Munyole receiving donation of books from the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 FY
Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 Financial Year between Deans and CoDS/Directors/HoDS The event took place on 7th-11th October, 2018 Gallery

Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 Financial Year
Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 Financial Year between Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors, Head of Departments and Chairpersons of committees on 5th September, 2018 in Senate Boardroom

Kibabii University Begins Biometric Registration of Students
The September 2018 intake is the first group to be registered under the Biometric system. The process entails capturing of students’ fingerprint and digital passport photograph. The move is geared

2018/2019 First Year Students Admission
Kibabii University welcomes all 2018/2019 first year students. The new students are undergoing the registration exercise where they are required to verify their academic documents and validate their health records

Webometrics Kibabii University Ranked Position 10 in Kenya July 2018
Kibabii University improves to position 10 from 71 in the webometrics ranking of Kenyan Universities. Globally Kibabii University was ranked at position 6461 from 21916 in the previous ranking that

1st External Quality Audit Based On ISO 9001:2015 Standard
Various Schools and Departments undergoing the 1st External Quality Audit based on ISO 9001:2015 Standard on Thursday 26th July, 2018

Public Lecture by Professor Bernardo Rodrigues
Professor Rodriguez from the University of Kwazulu – Natal, South Africa (Department of Mathematics) delivered a keynote presentation on “A model for detecting corrupt agents in organizations” on Wednesday 4th July, 2018 at the

3rd Kibabii University International Conference Presentations
3rd Kibabii University International Conference Presentations on 13th June 2018

Students Insurance Covers for Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy & Bio-Fuel Technology Class
Students Insurance Covers for Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy & Bio-Fuel Technology Class Please download and print the specific page on which your name and student registration number appears.

Department of Mathematics Students Insurance Covers for SMA/14 Class
Department of Mathematics students Insurance Covers for SMA/14 class. Please download and print the specific page on which your name and student registration number appears. Example: IF your details are

Kibabii University Host Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board
Kibabii University holds a meeting with Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board on the potential stakeholder needs for research in Kenya.

Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation Donates Materials to Kibabii University
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation in Netherlands donates materials (papers, Compact disc, USB sticks, booklets and pens) to Kibabii University. The memory sticks were given to the best

Kibabii University Training on Mobilization and Awareness Creation on the Upcoming EU’s Funding Schemes on Horizon 2020
The Ministry of Education State Department for University Education scheduled for one day training at Kibabii University on mobilization and awareness creation on the upcoming EU’s funding schemes on Horizon

Seminar on Proposal Writing for Postgraduate and Multidisciplinary Research for 2nd National Research Fund Call
DVC (PPRI) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. launched and addressed a seminar on proposal writing for postgraduate and multidisciplinary research for 2nd National Research Fund call. This

2nd Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations to the second graduands of Kibabii University who were conferred Degrees and awarded Diplomas and Certificates during the Graduation Ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by H.E. Hon. Uhuru

Cyprian Omukhwaya Sakwa Defense
Cyprian Omukhwaya Sakwa a student of PhD in Pure Mathematics successfully defended his thesis entitled “On Joint Essential Numerical Range and Joint Essential Maximal Numerical Range of Aluthge Transform”

Simon Mwatulo Lusamamba Defense
Simon Mwatulo Lusamamba a student of Master of Science In Physics successfully defended his thesis entitled “Thermodynamic Properties of a Grand Canonical Ensemble of a Mixture of Helium Isotopes with

FS Graduation List 2017
The following FOURTY SIX (46) candidates satisfied the Board of Examiners of the Faculty of Science in the Fourth and Final Year University examinations of the 2016/2017 academic year. They

Official Handing Over of Phase II Education Block
Millicons Limited officially hands over the newly constructed Phase II Education Block to Kibabii University Management. The project Manager walked them through different sections in the facility including offices, laboratories

The Presentation of 91st Kenya Music Festival Award Winning Trophies and Certificate by Kibabii University Choir to the University Senate
Kibabii University choir team presenting trophies to the University senate. The team scoped four trophies during the 91st Kenya Music Festival held at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology

Site Inspection for Proposed Phase II Educational Block
DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. lead the inspection team for constructed Phase II of Educational Block together with the Technical Project

Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2017/2018
Dr. L. Chikamai Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2017/2018

Faculty of Science 2017/2018 First Year Students during Faculty Orientation
Faculty of Science 2017/2018 First year students during Faculty orientation

Vacancies: Part Time Lecturers for 2017/2018 Academic Year
Kibabii University, in pursuit of its Vision to be a Global and Dynamic University of excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation, wishes to invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for

Department of Mathematics Students Insurance Covers: SMA/13

Faculty Staff Participated in the 2nd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference
Faculty of Science staff participated in the 2nd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference on June 14 -15, 2017

Department of Mathematics Acquires MAGMA Algebra System
Kibabii University becomes the first University in Kenya To make advances in Pure Mathematics by hosting Magma Computational Algebra System in collaboration with the University of Sydney,Australia. MAGMA is a

Faculty of Science Staff Graduate with Doctor of Philosophy Degrees
The Faculty of science was honoured to have three of it’s members graduate with PHDs. In the most recent graduation Ceremonies,Dr.Kefa Osolo Nyende and Dr.Jared Odhiambo Oloo qualified for the

Fish Harvesting
Fish harvesting being done at Kibabii University fish pond after fingerlings stocking that was done on 4th May 2016, the University benefited from Bungoma County Government Fish Pond Liner Initiative

Fingerlings Stocking
Kibabii University benefits from Bungoma County Government Fish Pond Liner Initiative Project. Project launched by VC, DVCs, Dean Faculty of Science Dr. Chikamai and Fisheries Officer (Kanduyi Sub-County) Mr. John

Nursing Degree
Kibabii University (KIBU) is preparing to offer Degrees in Nursing. The University joins University of Nairobi; Moi University; Kenyatta University; Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology; Mt. Kenya University,

Kakamega County Meteorological Station
BSc. Agriculture extension and education students at Kakamega County Meteorological station on October 16, 2015. The students were trained on various aspects of Agro- Climatology.

Harvesting of Red Tomatoes
Harvesting of red tomatoes in greenhouse empowerment project with agribusiness knowledge through greenhouse farming in Kibabii University Community.

Signing MOU
The signing MOU between Kibabii University and Lutukai Learning and Empowering Centre Mbakalo Ward.

Book Donations
The VC receiving books from Dean, Faculty of Science Dr Lucy Chikamai together with Mr. Mulati, The books were donated from Marie Curie Library , The Abdus Salam International Centre

Laboratories Completions
Laboratories in the final touches of completions

Biology and Chemistry Lab
Biology and chemistry lab about to be completed

Kibabii University and Bukura Agricultural College Sign a Collaborative Agreement
Kibabii University has entered into a partnership with Bukura Agricultural College (BAC) following the signing of a Collaborative Agreement on Tuesday, 11th March, 2025. The Agreement aims to foster joint

Department Of Biological, Environment and Natural Resources Says “Go On” To Young Researchers
Friday second February 2024 was no ordinary day at the Faculty of science. Fourth year Bachelor of Science students presented a spirited defence for their research project proposals with a

Mathematics Scholar attends “Women in SAGE” Workshop in Uganda
Ms. Yvonne Kariuki, a staff at the Department of Mathematics recently participated in an international workshop dubbed “Women in SAGE” at Makerere University in Uganda. SageMath is a computer algebra

University of Florida’s Prof. Calvin Odero Visits KIBU under the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program
Kibabii University Department of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences played host to Professor Calvin Odero for an academic exchange program. Prof. Odera is an Extension Weed Specialist and Associate Professor of

“Master of Science in Microbiology”; The New Academic Call at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
The Commission of University Education (CUE) recently allowed Kibabii University to offer this programme, having met all the requisite quality and regulatory training requirements. The University Joins few other institutions

Visit by Professor from University of the Western Cape to KIBU Cements Research Collaboration Agreement between the two Universities
A team of scholars from University of the Western Cape (UWC) led by Prof. Maria Euginia D’Amato paid a courtesy call on Kibabii University top leadership on Thursday 13th October.

Mathematics Scholar from Nelson Mandela University – South Africa Visits KIBU
The Department of Mathematics is privileged to host a visiting Scholar Dr. Abraham Prins Love from Nelson Mandela University – South Africa. The mathematics scholar shall supplement career advice to

Joint Computing Sessions at the Faculty of Science
Departments of the Faculty of Science have embraced “team learning” of practical sessions to optimize the scientific computing infrastructure at Department of Mathematics. The Scientific Computing Laboratory at the Department

It’s a Unified and Concerted Spirit at Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics at Faculty of Science on Wednesday 20, 2022 manifested the systematic spirit of Unity in a meeting presided over by Dr. Vincent Marani who is the

KIBU Analytical Chemist Attends a Practicum in Pretoria
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in partnership with Protechnik Laboratories held an Analytical Skills Development Course between 23rd May and 4th June, 2022 in Pretoria, South

Science Research Team Wins “SUN-24” Mini Grant
A team of researchers in the Departments of Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) and Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences has won a Research Grant to Assess Small Scale Biochar Field Trials

“All Systems Go” with New Leadership at Department of Mathematics
Dr. Vincent Marani on Tuesday, 1st March 2022 officially commenced leadership of the Department of Mathematics with much gratitude to the outgoing Chairman; Dr. Boniface Otieno Kwach for work well

Ten Researchers at Kibabii University Revealed in the Latest Ranking

Faculty of Science Unveils the Next Generation of Unit Heads
The Faculty of Science at Kibabii University embodies mentorship as a key value in developing capacities towards sustainability. In this regard, future leadership structures have been established to steer science

Mathematics Alumnus Wins the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship to Study in Hungary
Daniel Kalasa, has won a Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship towards postgraduate study in Applied Mathematics at the University of Debrecen in Hungary. Mr. Kalasa, a former student of Mathematics who graduated

Mathematics Scholar Wins prestigious CEMA fellowship Award
Ms Jacinta Mutwiwa, Tutorial fellow at Department of Mathematics has secured a competitive research fellowship at the Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis for Africa (CEMA). Mutwiwa overcome at least

Application for Admission – July 2021 Intake (New Programmes)
Kibabii University wishes to invite applications for admission to the listed Bachelor, Masters, and Doctor of Philosophy programmes via the Blended (face to face/e-Learning) modes of study as follows: PROGRAMME

Future Agricultural Scientists Sum it All with a “Thank you”
Agricultural scientists examine aspects of living organisms and the relationships of plants and animals to their environment, conduct basic research in laboratories or in the field and apply the results

Renewable Energy Student Wins Innovation Challenge
Kibabii University Innovation Challenge 2020 is an initiative of Kibabii University as part of European Union Funded African Higher Education Leadership in Advancing Inclusive Innovation for Development (AHEAD) Project to

Department of Mathematics Scholar Successfully Defends Doctor of Philosophy Thesis in Applied Mathematics
Mr. Mulambula Andanje is an incoming philosophy doctor in Applied Mathematics. This follows an intensive thesis examination process that evaluated Mr.Andanje with a successful outcome. A humble but composed Mr.

Mathematics Scholar Wins Prestigious Germany Academic Exchange (DAAD) Scholarship
Ms. Yvonne Kariuki, a Tutorial Fellow at the Department of Mathematics has successfully secured a 3 year DAAD scholarship in a competitive process that involved prospective Doctor of Philosophy candidates

Faculty of Science 2019/2020 Financial Year Performance Contact Self Evaluation Exercise
In August 2019 the Ministry of Education and the Inspectorate of State Corporations negotiated and vetted Kibabii University’s performance contract for the financial year 2019/2020. The contract was cascaded and

Chemistry Lab New Equipment in Kibabii University
Kibabii University, Faculty of Science, department of Science, Technology and Engineering has acquired new Chemistry laboratory equipment. These laboratory equipment were installed on 12th March, 2020 in the Chemistry Lab.

Department of Mathematics Establishes Mathematical Computing Laboratory
The Scientific Computing Laboratory of the Department of Mathematics at Kibabii University will bring together undergraduate, postgraduate students and researchers interested in developing fast, reliable, and robust numerical algorithms needed

Faculty of Science Stakeholders Workshop on New Academic Programmes
Faculty of Science (FS) held a successful two days Stakeholders Workshop for the new academic programmes (Diploma, Bachelors, Masters and PhD) on 26th -27th November, 2019 at the Multi-purpose hall.

Kibabii University Celebrate 4th Graduation Ceremony
Kibabii University held its 4th Graduation Ceremony on 22nd November, 2019 at the Graduation Square. The colorful ceremony was presided over by H.E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic

Multidisciplinary Research Team between Kibabii University and Moi University at Clean Cooking Forum 2019 Workshop
The multidisciplinary research team between Kibabii University and Moi University attended the Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership (TEA-LP) workshop themed “Clean Cooking Forum 2019” in Nairobi on 5th to

FS Final Draft Graduation List 2019
Download: FS Final Draft Graduation List 2019

FS First Draft Graduation List 2019
Download: FS First Draft Graduation List 2019

FS Orientation of 2019/2020 First Year Students
2019/2020 first year students during the Faculty of Science (FS) orientation forum led by Dr. Lucy Chikamai. Students were introduced to faculty lecturers and faculty functions, services and procedures. The

An Improved Program for Generating G-Invariant Codes
A program for generating G-Invariant Codes ( sub modules of a permutation module) was improved through an enhanced algorithm by Mr.Vincent Marani of the department of Mathematics. The innovative findings

Part Time Lecturers & Technicians 2019/2020 Academic Year
Kibabii University in pursuit of its Vision to be a Global and Dynamic University of Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation, wishes to invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for

Multidisciplinary Research Team at the Transforming Energy Access Workshop
Multidisciplinary research team between Kibabii University and Moi University at Strathmore University for the Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership Multidisciplinary Curriculum Development Workshop. A total of 8 African countries

Janet Lilian Maina Defense
Janet Lilian Maina a student of Masters in Pure Mathematics successfully defended her thesis entitled “2-MODULAR REPRESENTATIONS OF UNITARY GROUP U3 (4)” on 06-06-2019 in SGS boardroom

Lydia Kananu Rukaria Defense
Lydia Kananu Rukaria a student of PhD in Pure Mathematics successfully defended her thesis entitled “Linear Codes Obtained from the Sympletic Group S 8 (2)” on 9th May, 2019 in SGS boardroom

Marani Vincent Nyongesa Defense
Marani Vincent Nyongesa a student of PhD in Pure Mathematics successfully defended his thesis entitled “Modular Representation of Mathieu Group M24 as Linear Codes” on 9th May, 2019 in SGS boardroom

A Tribute to Dr. Jared Peter Oloo Odhiambo
We have all gathered here to mourn someone who means many different good things to each person in the gathering. He has answered the call to join those who have

Faculty of Science 1st QMS Internal Quality Audit Based on ISO 9001:2015 Standard
Faculty of Science was audited in the 1st QMS Internal Quality Audit based on ISO 9001:2015 Standard on 26th February, 2019 in the FS Dean’s office. The main objective of the

Kibabii University Celebrate 3rd Graduation Ceremony
Kibabii University held its 3rd Graduation Ceremony on 23rd November, 2018 at the Graduation Square. The colorful ceremony was presided over by Ambassador (Dr.) Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of

FS Graduation List 2018
The following ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO (122) candidates satisfied the Board of Examiners of the Faculty of Science in the Fourth and Final Year University examinations of the 2017/2018

Department of Mathematics Releases “Math Focus Newsletter”
The Department of Mathematics has released it’s first newsletter under a series of projected letters dubbed “Math Focus Newsletters”. These will be quarterly newsletters available to the general public. The

Prof. Siamba Donates an EKOSCAN Machine for Research and Training on Somatic Cell Count
Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ipara Odeo receiving donation of an EKOSCAN Machine for Research and Training on Somatic Cell Count from Prof. Siamba on Wednesday 26th September, 2018. The Somatic Cell Count (SCC)

Showcasing Suspended Hives at the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018
Kibabii University led by DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. participate in the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018 at the Masinde Muliro

Showcasing Silage and Hay Blocking Technology at the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018
Kibabii University led by DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. participate in the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018 at the Masinde Muliro

Showcasing Biogas Plant at the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018
Kibabii University led by DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. participate in the Bungoma A.S.K Satellite Show 2018 at the Masinde Muliro

Inter-denominational Service for 2018/2019 First Year Students
The Kibabii University Christian Union team led by Dr. Robert Wafula organized an Inter-denominational service for 2018/2019 first year students on 14thSeptember, 2018. Invited guest pastor was Timothy Kituyi; the

Vice Chancellor’s Speech Presented during Orientation of Freshmen 2018
Sailing Or Drifting Through School Salutation Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academics and Students Affairs; Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Finance and Development; Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovations; Deans of

Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2018/2019
The Vice Chancellor Prof. Ipara Odeo gave an address to the 2018/2019 new students at the Graduation Square on 13th September, 2018. Prof. Odeo welcomed students to Kibabii University which

Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2018/2019
Dr. Lucy Chikamai, Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2018/2019 on September 13th, 2018 at the Graduation Square

ICTP Donate Books to Kibabii University
Kibabii University Vice Chancellor,Prof. Ipara Odeo together with Prof. Donald Siamba, Dr. Lucy Chikamai and Mr. Munyole receiving donation of books from the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 FY
Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 Financial Year between Deans and CoDS/Directors/HoDS The event took place on 7th-11th October, 2018 Gallery

Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 Financial Year
Cascading of Performance Contract for 2018/2019 Financial Year between Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors, Head of Departments and Chairpersons of committees on 5th September, 2018 in Senate Boardroom

Kibabii University Begins Biometric Registration of Students
The September 2018 intake is the first group to be registered under the Biometric system. The process entails capturing of students’ fingerprint and digital passport photograph. The move is geared

2018/2019 First Year Students Admission
Kibabii University welcomes all 2018/2019 first year students. The new students are undergoing the registration exercise where they are required to verify their academic documents and validate their health records

Webometrics Kibabii University Ranked Position 10 in Kenya July 2018
Kibabii University improves to position 10 from 71 in the webometrics ranking of Kenyan Universities. Globally Kibabii University was ranked at position 6461 from 21916 in the previous ranking that

1st External Quality Audit Based On ISO 9001:2015 Standard
Various Schools and Departments undergoing the 1st External Quality Audit based on ISO 9001:2015 Standard on Thursday 26th July, 2018

Public Lecture by Professor Bernardo Rodrigues
Professor Rodriguez from the University of Kwazulu – Natal, South Africa (Department of Mathematics) delivered a keynote presentation on “A model for detecting corrupt agents in organizations” on Wednesday 4th July, 2018 at the

3rd Kibabii University International Conference Presentations
3rd Kibabii University International Conference Presentations on 13th June 2018

Students Insurance Covers for Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy & Bio-Fuel Technology Class
Students Insurance Covers for Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy & Bio-Fuel Technology Class Please download and print the specific page on which your name and student registration number appears.

Department of Mathematics Students Insurance Covers for SMA/14 Class
Department of Mathematics students Insurance Covers for SMA/14 class. Please download and print the specific page on which your name and student registration number appears. Example: IF your details are

Kibabii University Host Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board
Kibabii University holds a meeting with Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board on the potential stakeholder needs for research in Kenya.

Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation Donates Materials to Kibabii University
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation in Netherlands donates materials (papers, Compact disc, USB sticks, booklets and pens) to Kibabii University. The memory sticks were given to the best

Kibabii University Training on Mobilization and Awareness Creation on the Upcoming EU’s Funding Schemes on Horizon 2020
The Ministry of Education State Department for University Education scheduled for one day training at Kibabii University on mobilization and awareness creation on the upcoming EU’s funding schemes on Horizon

Seminar on Proposal Writing for Postgraduate and Multidisciplinary Research for 2nd National Research Fund Call
DVC (PPRI) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. launched and addressed a seminar on proposal writing for postgraduate and multidisciplinary research for 2nd National Research Fund call. This

2nd Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations to the second graduands of Kibabii University who were conferred Degrees and awarded Diplomas and Certificates during the Graduation Ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by H.E. Hon. Uhuru

Cyprian Omukhwaya Sakwa Defense
Cyprian Omukhwaya Sakwa a student of PhD in Pure Mathematics successfully defended his thesis entitled “On Joint Essential Numerical Range and Joint Essential Maximal Numerical Range of Aluthge Transform”

Simon Mwatulo Lusamamba Defense
Simon Mwatulo Lusamamba a student of Master of Science In Physics successfully defended his thesis entitled “Thermodynamic Properties of a Grand Canonical Ensemble of a Mixture of Helium Isotopes with

FS Graduation List 2017
The following FOURTY SIX (46) candidates satisfied the Board of Examiners of the Faculty of Science in the Fourth and Final Year University examinations of the 2016/2017 academic year. They

Official Handing Over of Phase II Education Block
Millicons Limited officially hands over the newly constructed Phase II Education Block to Kibabii University Management. The project Manager walked them through different sections in the facility including offices, laboratories

The Presentation of 91st Kenya Music Festival Award Winning Trophies and Certificate by Kibabii University Choir to the University Senate
Kibabii University choir team presenting trophies to the University senate. The team scoped four trophies during the 91st Kenya Music Festival held at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology

Site Inspection for Proposed Phase II Educational Block
DVC (Planning, Partnerships, Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedict M. Mutua, PhD, Rer. Nat. lead the inspection team for constructed Phase II of Educational Block together with the Technical Project

Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2017/2018
Dr. L. Chikamai Dean Faculty of Science at Vice Chancellor Address to New Students 2017/2018

Faculty of Science 2017/2018 First Year Students during Faculty Orientation
Faculty of Science 2017/2018 First year students during Faculty orientation

Vacancies: Part Time Lecturers for 2017/2018 Academic Year
Kibabii University, in pursuit of its Vision to be a Global and Dynamic University of excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation, wishes to invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for

Department of Mathematics Students Insurance Covers: SMA/13

Faculty Staff Participated in the 2nd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference
Faculty of Science staff participated in the 2nd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference on June 14 -15, 2017

Department of Mathematics Acquires MAGMA Algebra System
Kibabii University becomes the first University in Kenya To make advances in Pure Mathematics by hosting Magma Computational Algebra System in collaboration with the University of Sydney,Australia. MAGMA is a

Faculty of Science Staff Graduate with Doctor of Philosophy Degrees
The Faculty of science was honoured to have three of it’s members graduate with PHDs. In the most recent graduation Ceremonies,Dr.Kefa Osolo Nyende and Dr.Jared Odhiambo Oloo qualified for the

Fish Harvesting
Fish harvesting being done at Kibabii University fish pond after fingerlings stocking that was done on 4th May 2016, the University benefited from Bungoma County Government Fish Pond Liner Initiative

Fingerlings Stocking
Kibabii University benefits from Bungoma County Government Fish Pond Liner Initiative Project. Project launched by VC, DVCs, Dean Faculty of Science Dr. Chikamai and Fisheries Officer (Kanduyi Sub-County) Mr. John

Nursing Degree
Kibabii University (KIBU) is preparing to offer Degrees in Nursing. The University joins University of Nairobi; Moi University; Kenyatta University; Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology; Mt. Kenya University,

Kakamega County Meteorological Station
BSc. Agriculture extension and education students at Kakamega County Meteorological station on October 16, 2015. The students were trained on various aspects of Agro- Climatology.

Harvesting of Red Tomatoes
Harvesting of red tomatoes in greenhouse empowerment project with agribusiness knowledge through greenhouse farming in Kibabii University Community.

Signing MOU
The signing MOU between Kibabii University and Lutukai Learning and Empowering Centre Mbakalo Ward.

Book Donations
The VC receiving books from Dean, Faculty of Science Dr Lucy Chikamai together with Mr. Mulati, The books were donated from Marie Curie Library , The Abdus Salam International Centre

Laboratories Completions
Laboratories in the final touches of completions

Biology and Chemistry Lab
Biology and chemistry lab about to be completed